Free Comic Book Day at Image Collections in Canada
Free Comic Book Day ( FCBD ) in Canada has always been a fun-filled, jam-packed, talent-fueled day of excitement!!!
Wherever you live, don't forget to mark off every 1st SATURDAY IN MAY in the coming years so you don't forget about one of the largest showcases of creative talent available to be viewed anywhere......Free Comic Book Day!
Every year most of the publishers in the comics industry (including Archie Comics, Marvel Comics, DC Comics, Image Comics [...the home of one comic-ONE UNIVERSE stories...], IDW Comics, Boom Entertainment, Dark Horse Comics, Valiant Comics, Titan Comics, Abstract Studios, Zenescope Comics, Spent Pencils & more....put aside a SPECIAL DAY to celebrate the mediums of North American comics, Japanese Manga, European, Indian Chitrakatha, Australian Comics world of sequential arts.....
Please choose a year from the menu below [--see HISTORY--] or on the left (scroll down) to get more info on each of our FCBD Events.....
Throughout our history, Image Collections has been a home for many to discover exciting pastimes, create lasting friendships, explore wonderous worlds,
and find amazing new talents within themselves...
Thanks for being a part of our past and if you haven't checked us out lately, the events listed below might just be reason enough to come on in to say...
"Hi!"... never know, there might just be some future left in you yet....;o)
Yes......we've done this BEFORE [see below]
.TOP SECRET FUN---->>> Hover Over Pics For EXTRA Editorial Content....
WHAT IS BELOW???.......LOTS, so keep up the good reading...
...., ok, not-so-great reading then, :o)
=====**** FREE COMIC BOOK DAY @ Image Collections is ALWAYS the 1st SATURDAY of MAY! Be there! fact why don't you mark it in your phone / fridge right now........[it's OK, we'll wait...] **** ====
=== FCBD What To Bring ==
With 'COMICS-RELATED-Things' happening from 9:30 to 6:00pm, ARTISTS, WRITERS , & lots n' lots of FRIENDLY, KNOWLEDGABLE,& READY-TO-DRAW/DEBATE/SHOWCASE/DISCUSS /ENLIGHTEN peoples, you surely DON'T want to miss out!!!
..oh yeah, don't forget to bring your CAMERA,
BLOG-BOX, or TWEETER-PHONEy thing with you! :o)
d a pencil !
[....'cause MEMORIES are made [ well as futurely-fruitful-friendships & networking-buisness-relationships-possibly-resulting-in-your-fame-and-fortune-in-the-prestigious-world-of-comics-before-you-hit-skid-row-oh-who-are-we-kidding-you'd-never-hit-skid-row...;o] of this! ]
"Welcome to our neighborhood Spider-man!......Would you be our... could you be our... neighbor?"
---VENOM [First words to Spiderman], from Amazing Spider-man #300, words by David Michelinie---
******************read the best *****************************
MARVEL COMICS main-man mainstay writer/editor STAN LEE...
wishes they could instantly match names to the faces of all the famous gamers who 've played here..*sigh*
--Robin: That's an impossible shot, Batman....
--Batman: That's a negative attitude, Robin.
----- from BATMAN (60s TV show)
"Hey Bud....Let's PARTY"
---Jeff Spicoli [Sean Penn] in 'FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH' (1982)
Our comeback will be bigger than our setback! Comics coming back #BackTheCOMEBACK back the comeback #ComicsAreBack New comics are back #comicsRETURN Read trade share comics comicbooks back shipping
WORTH the drive (or walk, or subway, then bus,...or even these environmentally savvy times) to Streetsville, MISSISSAUGA (10 min West of Toronto, Canada).
***************** OTHER LINKS BELOW ********************
Reading Comics PAGE -- Collecting Cards PAGE -- Playing Games PAGE -- Other Fun Stuff PAGE --
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GirlPOWER = DCnew52justiceLEAGUE = DeathOfWoverine = WalkingDead = WalkingDeadSAGA = BATman = NewStuff
Come Be A Part Of The HISTORY Of ART..... #ImageCollections #FCBDimage