Free Comic Book Day In Canada @ Image Collections Mississauga Near Toronto Ontario 2019
SAYS.....Bring the WHOLE family, and your favourite parts of OTHER ones too!
=== Free Comic Book Day 2019 == == Free Comic Book Day 2019 == === Free Comic Book Day 2019 ===
=== Free Comic Book Day 2019 COMICS ==
ABSOLUTE CARNAGE – Marvel’s epic summer event hits early!..... Beginning in Free Comic Book Day Spider-Man/Venom #1 (<<SEEN ABOVE IN PIC>> is out May 4), the blockbuster event starts in August (although fans will see the threads reaching as far back as Amazing Spider-Man #252 with connections to almost every Venom and Carnage story since) and re-teams Cates with Venom’s Ryan Stegman and colorist Frank Martin for the deadliest story in the Marvel Universe!
“Cletus Kasady is back, and he is deadlier than he’s ever been,” Cates teased in the video announcement. “ABSOLUTE CARNAGE encompasses every single character who has ever worn a symbiote and every symbiote that has ever been, going all the way back to when Peter found the black suit. Going from there to Maximum Carnage to Venomized to everything…everyone is a target.”
This summer, no super hero is safe…everyone is a target!
in REMEMBRANCE of........... STAN LEE
'Stan Lee Supports Free Comic Book Day' [R.I.P.]
#freecomicbookday #fcbd #marvel #Avengers #stanLee #ICzz
>>>our mini-trubute back in (a healthier Stan year) 2015......
<<<<<<CLICK BELOW 2 SEE>>>>>
.....on SAT MAY 4th...COME DRAW WITH US....
-----Zelpha Comics's Luanga Nuwame
------Members Of INK PALETT
---& More
“Writers and artists build by hand little worlds that they hope might effect change in real minds, in the real world where stories are read. A story can make us cry and laugh, break our hearts, or make us angry enough to change the world.”
― Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human

“I've been making a list of the things they don't teach you at school.... They
don't teach you how to love somebody. They don't teach you how to be famous.
They don't teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don't teach you how
to walk away from someone you don't love any longer. They don't teach you how to
know what's going on in someone else's mind. They don't teach you what to say to
someone who's dying. They don't teach you anything worth knowing.”
― Neil Gaiman, The Sandman: The Kindly Ones
---Darkseid: Attention students! I, Darkseid, your acting principal of the day has declared that today we will take our finals!
-Robin: What? But it's not even the end of the semester! We didn't even study!
--Wonder Girl: This is such a crisis!
--------Tiny Titians Comic-----
"But now if you look at the checklist of books that Image has put out, you're
going to see a huge variety of topics and subject matter. ..."
---Todd McFarlane
"It's too bad for us "literary" enthusiasts, but it's the truth nevertheless --
pictures tell any story more effectively than words .. . . If children will read
comics . . . why isn't it advisable to give them some constructive comics to
read?? "
---William Moulton Marston, comic writer, WONDER WOMAN CREATOR
--Mary Jane Watson: So maybe it's time to stop running. Maybe there's nothing
wrong with making someone else happy -- as long as that person makes you happy.
-----Peter Parker: You mean...?
--Mary Jane Watson: I mean "yes," Peter, Yes... I'll marry you!
---Amazing Spider-man #292
“These characters were like twelve-bar blues or other chord progressions. Given the basic parameters of Batman, different creators could play very different music.”
― Grant Morrison, Supergods: What Masked Vigilantes, Miraculous Mutants, and a Sun God from Smallville Can Teach Us About Being Human
"Hey, I'm an X-Man and on two Avengers teams. ... Multi-tasking. It's my
mutant power. Don't tell anybody...."
--Robin: That's an impossible shot, Batman....
--Batman: That's a negative attitude, Robin.
----- from BATMAN (60s TV show)
"Hey Bud....Let's PARTY"
---Jeff Spicoli [Sean Penn] in 'FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH' (1982)
WORTH the drive (or walk, or subway, then bus,...or even these environmentally savvy times) to Streetsville, MISSISSAUGA (10 min West of Toronto, Canada).
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