THE WALKING DEAD Breaking Bad Habits In Comic Zombieland
THE WALKING DEAD Breaking Bad Habits In Comic Zombieland....
by T.M. Maple Leaf
It May Seem Like 'THE WALKING DEAD' Is Over-Rated, As It Balances A Monthly Series From IMAGE COMICS, NOVELS, Video Games, & One Of The Highest Rated TV Shows Of The Season...
With Drama, Shocking Twists, & Page-Turning Suspense,
Mixed With True Emotional Highs & Lows, There Is Much MORE To THIS,
the Annual BESTSELLING GRAPHIC NOVEL For 3 Straight Years!!!...
As Stated In The Title To This, THE WALKING DEAD is Indeed Breaking Bad Habits in Comic Zombieland Which Have Festered For Some For What Seems Like Forever....
[...and IS forever in the case of most people's lives reading this...]
During most of the life-span of those over a certain age there existed, until recently, a long-standing pre-conceived notion the medium of comics contained mostly content befitting general-rated enteratinment, no more than 'laymen' reading, simplistic & uncomplicated....
We can hear your cries of "How Could They Think...?", "Didn't They Know About...?", & "They Must Not Have Read...!" already, but the truth's not their fault...mostly...
Who Would Have Believed One of the Most Unbelievable [read 'unrealistic'] Notions of Graphic Fiction, OK...lets say fiction, That Of 'The Dishelvelled, Deteriorating, Back From The Dead, Now Haunting Humanity-Challenged Humans While Walking In A World Of Disarray & Disorder' Genre Mainly Kickstarted By The 1968 'Night Of The Living Dead' movie, and given hefty boosting from both the'28 Days Later...' film* and 2003's 'THE WALKING DEAD' on-going monthly title from publisher IMAGE, would lead to the decaying of some previously heavily cemented beliefs about North American SEQUENTIAL ARTWORK and the enjoyment of it...
Not only did a TV SHOW do justice to it's original comic-based material, opening the door for other 'live-actioners' to come ['ARROW', Marvel's 'S.H.I.E.L.D', Image's 'THIEF OF THIEVES' & 'POWERS'**], it lead to behavioural changes the graphic arts medium has been trying to trend for at least half a century, especially so since the demise of it's own real-life horror [dog & pony] show, THE COMICS CODE , a staple ball & chain of stapled four colour entertainment since 1954....
Now almost eleven years [and 130+ issues-you'll-want-to-read-without-spoilers-if-possible] later, its influence is almost unheard of....
THE WALKING DEAD has all but eliminated the stigma of 'child-like' which had stuck to the medium throughout most of the 20th century, allowing it to flourish to new standards, opening new storytelling windows to look through for previously boxed-in-readers....
Sure, comics had 'grown up' in the 1980s, with true applause trickling in from the mainstream arts world, yet it would be painstaking years later before a certain TV-SHOW made the world actually stand up & take notice of all its potentials....
Obviously many regular titles and publishers have contributed to a matured definition within the pages of the mixture of layered art with words, notable being VERTIGO COMICS, but none on such a wide-scale-assault as IMAGE COMICS 'THE WALKING DEAD'...
Almost singlehandedly it's responsible for, in a short time, multiplying the readership for, accessablilty of, & acclaim towards the truely great masterpieces available as well as those yet-to-come in both the graphic novels & the comics worlds....
An unlikely occurence as any, 'ZOMBIES' have made it easy to jump into the artistic merit & diversity of a form of expression now unburdened by its previous donkey-like saddle....
[.....The TV SHOW is almost 50% NEW Content From The Darker Comic, or Vice-Versa.....]
[ YES, you CAN ENJOY [and not ruin] BOTH......]
Volume One is The Beginning -- Volume 3 is approx When Season 3 Begins
Volume 5 Introduces 'The Governor' [much differently] when RICK himself 1st meets this complicated leader & shocked
Try 'WALKING DEAD #1' for only $1 @ Image Collections,
ALSO: READ 'Thief Of Thieves'[$1] and READ 'INVINCIBLE'[$1], both by Robert Kirkman!
[.....while supplies last...]
* [pink, very Zombie-ish, yes?] Strangely enough, the similarity of the beginnings of '28 Days' & 'THE WALKING DEAD' are said to be a coincidence...
**Yes, we know 'POWERS' the excellent outside-the-box cop comic is no longer there, but it did begin as an IMAGE title.
THE NEW Justice League series [with art by fan-favourite JIM [Wildstorm, BATMAN:HUSH] LEE pulls apart the DC Universe by laying the enticing ground-work for the whole reinvinted 'DC-New-52', pushing 'DETECTIVE COMICS'* forward into the 21st Century....
And yes, the 'DC-NEW-52' version of SUPERMAN [written by GRANT [**] MORRISON] is very unique, well-thought-out, & defiantly re-done for the 21st Century....
JUSTICE LEAGUE #1 [...the making of the team!..] &/or the...
New ACTION COMICS #1 [...first story of the 'DC-NEW-52' SUPERMAN...]
.....or even BATMAN #1 [featuring JOKER[?] fighting alongside?!?] all are DC ESSENTIAL READS!!!
* as no-doubt you knew, 'Detective Comics', as DC's [and North America's] longest-running comic, also named its publisher [DC=DETECTIVE COMICS]

SAGA Rockets Sales-wise...
as Romance / SCI-FI / Everything-But-The-Kitchen-Sink Mashup
Pleases Readers To No End...Of The Galaxy!
2012's Break-Out Hit Series 'SAGA' by publisher IMAGE is fast becoming 2013's go-to 'must-read', as its content-heavy storytelling, by Y the Last Man's writer [along with RUNAWAYS, PRIDE OF BAGHDAD, EX MACHINA] BRIAN K. VAUGHAN pushes buttons, driving an intergalactic war with solid characters of all clans through a fully shocking, yet satisfyingly worthy mature read for those comfortable racing in the pot-holed speed lane....