'Darth Vader' Comes To Streetsville Mississauga....
'Darth Vader' is coming to Streetsville in the form of an all-new series of stories in the 'BACK-2-ITS-BIRTHPLACE' RELAUNCH of the STAR WARS COMICS UNIVERSE at its original publisher, MARVEL COMICS.....
On WED JAN 14, 2015 Image Collections will be hosting a STAR WARS 'Welcome Home...' PARTY with some interesting guests from 5pm - 8pm....including...YOU!!!....right??....you won't want to miss out on experiencing....the DARK SIDE!!!

Just as the beginnings of [...for those of a certain age...] yet another 'STAR WARS FEVER' catch the wind, soon to be injested by the grinning youth of its age, in this case the silver-screen-starved [...as far as 1st-run STAR WARS movies are concerned...] not yet teenaged, whose 'FORCE-BASED' energies have only come as fable-based tales passed down from the older generations of its legendary status in SCI-FI lore....
.....These soon-2-B new recruits will be joined by the newly nostalgic pangs of those whos movie-theater-watching JEDI were always ideally packaged & labelled as 'Episodes'....yet surely as HOTH has snow, they ARE just as passionate as any others!....
......As well, the troopers who may even recall a time or two when 'STAR WARS FEVER'seemed subsided, only to be renewed by talk of the 'SPECIAL EDITIONS' due soon as re-releases, or of the HISTORIC ROLE the COMICS INDUSTRY played in reigniting the condition [...keep reading...see below] over-twenty-years-ago, these learned elders also will find their place...
.....As the story goes, "A LONG TIME AGO, IN A GALAXY devoid of Guardians looking like raccoons teaming up with speech-impeeded mobile trees, FAR FAR AWAY...", a certain GEORGE LUCAS, he later of HOWARD THE DUCK movie fame, had a tough time convincing the 'Powers That Be' @ MARVEL COMICS to put out a comics adaption of his 'space-fantasy' fairy-tale which went on to become 'the greatest of all time'....
....It is almost unfathomable today to envision a time when presenting a comic to the world about "blasters, droids, & spacey light-swords" was a risky proposition, yet in debt we all are to the decision-makers who's green light would fast-track [1970s style] the debut of the original 'STAR WARS #1' an adaption published astoundingly a few months BEFORE THE MOVIE EVEN HIT, leading a reading audience to promote the merits of its adventures to all who'd listen...
Marvel's STAR WARS comics did quite well, almost single-handedly lending a new generation multiple reasons to pick up a comic book filled with all-new extended stories every month, and, along with being excited by swash-buckling sci-fi 'swordplay' in a ground-breaking assortment of formats including magazine, treasury, & pocket book-sized, it allowed Marvel superheroes to piggy-back along as well through ads & specials...
..The truth is, from the enlightening aspects of the 'STAR WARS SICKNESSES', through to the heartbreaks of its GRIEF [...many STILL TELL tall tales, to anyone who'll listen, of how a long-since-released movie's unfilled potentials lead to their loss of inocence... :o], THE FORCE IS STRONG in us, and we are all one....gleefully welcoming any & all side effects which may lead to....THE DARK SIDE...both of ourselves & the movies AND COMICS we so dearly LOVE!.....
.......Hence, MARVEL COMICS NEW STAR WARS #1, the reclaiming of the franchise by it's original publisher, is the PERFECT Disney-lead lead-in to DECEMBER 2015's third generation STAR WARS trilogy....
......one rumours hint, the first new movie, THE FORCE AWAKENS may plot-wise be similar to that twenty-something story which kickstarted back in gear everything us fans hold dear, STAR WARS: DARK EMPIRE, & its sequel, DARK EMPIRE II, the first hot-as-fried-Womprats back then offerings from DARK HORSE COMICS, whom it is assumed had an easier time being convinced of the STAR WARS brand's market ability than did STAN LEE back in 1976....
......words by t.m.maple leaf, for......
---Admiral Motti: "Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader....Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you enough clairvoyance to find the rebels' hidden fortress..."
[..........Vader makes a pinching motion and Motti starts choking.......]
----Darth Vader: "I find your lack of faith disturbing......"
----Governor Tarkin: "Enough of this! Vader, release him!...."
----Darth Vader: "As you wish....." [...He does...]

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