2001 & BEYOND [....and a bit of BEHIND also :o]
Hi there....
Throughout IMAGE COLLECTIONS history we have been known for thinking 'a-bit-outside-the-box', as such we had had a few 'FREE COMIC BOOK DAYS' way BEFORE they were officially [industry-wise] widely know as such...
....including a fairly well attended on in 2001.....
FREE COMIC BOOK DAYS are ALWAY memorable and FUN EVENTS, especially at I.C. !
W E L C O M E...................TO IMAGE COLLECTIONS 2012 Free Comic Book Day Page...
.....Hi there....You're looking GREAT today!!!...[..we're just sayin'..]...CHECK BACK OFTEN [and scroll this page] for the LATEST UPDATES.....
.....F.C.B.D. 2012 @ IMAGE COLLECTIONS.....INDEX....--UPDATE #01: What is Free Comic Book Day? ... --UPDATE #02: Will YOU be @ FCBD??... --UPDATE #02.5: What's FCBD @ Image.C?? ....-UPDATE #03: ... --UPDATE #04: .FCBD PEANUTS among 'MAN .. --UPDATE #05: ..--UPDATE #06...Oshouki Rises Again w/ Daniel Wong ....--UPDATE #07..215 Ink's Mark Bertolini....--UPDATE #08: Avengers ACTION @ FCBD! ... --UPDATE #09: Get Optimusly PRIMEd @ FCBD! ..--UPDATE #10 STAR WARned: Brace Yourself! .... --UPDATE #11 SONIC Charged FCBD FUN! ....--UPDATE #12 ....--UPDATE #13 .....--UPDATE #14 ....--UPDATE #15 ...--UPDATE #11 ......
------Daniel 'Oshouki' Wong -- Comic Illustrator, Digital Artist, Self-Publisher -- Mississauga --- http://www.oshouki.com ---- .http://www.celticshaman.ca [....to see Daniel's work, click on 'Store Hours' above!]
-----Chris McQuaid -- Comic Writer, Letterer, Self-Publisher - Mississauga --- http://www.celticshaman.ca
-----Mark Bertolini -- Comic Writer [215 Ink's 'BREAKNECK' ]-- Mississauga --- http://www.215ink.com
-----Sam Medina-- Creator of 'Jake the Evil Hare', Comic Writer/Artist, Self-Publisher--- http://www.jaketheevilhare.com - over 240 pages in archives
-----Jill Dhakura, Artist, Painter, Creative Dynamo
------Carolyn Austin-Smith, Painter, Artist
------SWIRLS: Your Cup-Cake Source in STREETSVILLE .....with.... http://www.swirlscupcakes.ca.
----------2012 FCBDay UPDATE #01.....WHAT is Free Comic Book Day?
Free Comic Book Day (FCBD) is an annual promotional effort to help bring new readers and creators into the exciting world of SEQUENTIAL ART....It occurs the FIRST SAT OF MAY every year...
......in 2012 terms, that's SAT MAY 5th :o]....

“I told two friends about......
...and THEY told two friends,...
….and SO ON, and SO on, and so on.... "
-------From A Catchy 1980'S SHAMPOO COMMERCIAL
THE SHORT.............
For over 10 years, We have made this day EXTRA-SPECIAL by offering even MORE out of a day already PACKED with reasons to get pumped about COMICS, a truely spectacular medium for telling the tales everyone wants to read....
....Image Collections FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Event is....
---One of the oldest & largest Free Comic Book Day Events in Canada...
---Only 20 minutes from Toronto & most of the GTA...
---Come on down every year for a Giant-Sized Celebration of the medium of sequential storytelling...
8:00am - 6:00pm -- 10 Hours - Over 100 Comic-Related Interactive Activities,
Live-In-Person Debates, Discussions, Jams, Presentations, Showcases,
Showdowns, Teachings, Workshops, and more!
10 Hours of EXCITEMENT!
....Oh,....and yes, there's FREE COMICS!!! [which ones?....SEE BELOW ;o]
.....Sounds like some kind of FUN, yes??
THE 'NOT-AS-SHORT'....... ;o)
We thought as long as we are showcasing THE BEST OF THE INDUSTRY, why not put a spotlight on the creators who will make up the foundation of the FUTURE of it....
As we read, we all know there are LEGENDARY WRITERS & ARTISTS [as well as Inkers, Letterists, Colourists] who built skyscraping bodies of work upon
. SAYS.......Don't Forget your CAMERA & a hat on FREE COMIC BOOK DAY.......
forgotten this before.”
― Comedian [...No, no, not the one in 'WATCHMEN'...] Steven Wright
― Maya Angelou
― from Spider-man's 1st App, A.F.#15, words by the Legendary Stan Lee
GET INVOLVED...YOU 2 COULD become a Creator, Presenter, Panelist,
Demo Dude/Dudette, or Volunteer on this day. Just contact us....
(please by phone only) at 905.542.8307.
...(NOTE: Lineup begins at 8am, EVENTS commence at 9:00am, Store opens at 10:00am, FREE COMICS START AT 11:00am) .
---------2012 FCBDay UPDATE #03.....
More information about FCBD 2012 is forthcoming....
....we will try not to lose control of ourselves in anticipation :o)...
-------From Deadpool [...MUCH funnier than the 'WOLVERINE'-MOVIE-version...] the Comic
---------2012 FCBDay UPDATE #04.....
......Yes, the rumours ARE true!!!!...
......which ones??.....we're not sure....
....but we DO KNOW: Along with 'SONIC The HEDGEHOG', 'ARCHIE', 'MEGA MAN',
....& 'YO GABBA GABBA' [..find out SAT MAY 5th what-the 'GABBA' a 'YO' is bro'!]
....CHARLIE BROWN & Company will be offered @ .....
Image Collections' 2012 FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Event!!!!
“All you need is love. But a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt.”
― Charles M. Schulz
SAYS.....Bring the WHOLE family, and your favourite parts of OTHER ones too!
---------2012 FCBDay UPDATE #05......
....FREE COMIC BOOK DAY: Streetsville?...Streetsville??...Where the heck is...

"And there's nothing I can do. So I wait and watch and feel his breath against my
face, cool and brave. His salt licks my skin, his promise brushes my hair. His
fury drives the wind to touch my cheek and whisper something I can't hear..."
they call you kids "wise fools."
-------Gertrude Yorkes: Actually, that's a fake etymology, Dad. "Sophomore" is
derived from "sophist". It has no direct correlation to the Greek word for
"fool"... as any fool would know....
-----Dale Yorkes: [to himself] Do other parents have to deal with this?
To him,....LIFE is a great big bang...UP......
Daniel's an electrical engineer turned professional artist, pursuing his first love: the rush of artistic creation. His work ranges from comic book pencils and inks [ CELTIC SHAMAN] to freelance illustration, from fan art to pin-ups, and from web programming to web design.
See MORE of the fruits of Daniel's hard work @:
http://www.oshouki.com - http://www.oshouki.deviantart.com
http://www.celticshaman.ca - http://www.spentpencils.com/
------Daniel 'Oshouki' Wong -- Comic Illustrator, Digital Artist, Self-Publisher -- Mississauga --- http://www.oshouki.com ---- .http://www.celticshaman.ca [....to see Daniel's work, click on 'Store Hours' above!]

Earth, Captain America and Cyclops have very different thoughts on
how to prepare for the return. Lines are drawn. Lines are crossed.
The war for Cybertron is over-now the hard part begins!
This first of two new ongoing Transformers series offers an excellent jumping-on point and all-new direction as BUMBLEBEE and his fellow AUTOBOTS struggle to maintain control of a world without OPTIMUS PRIME!
---Admiral Motti: "Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerous ways, Lord Vader....Your sad devotion to that ancient Jedi religion has not helped you conjure up the stolen data tapes, or given you enough clairvoyance to find the rebels' hidden fortress..."
[..........Vader makes a pinching motion and Motti starts choking.......]
----Darth Vader: "I find your lack of faith disturbing......"
----Governor Tarkin: "Enough of this! Vader, release him!...."
----Darth Vader: "As you wish....." [...He does...] \
― Suzanne Collins, The Hunger Games
As the oldest consecutive monthly series based on a "lowly" VIDEO GAME [...so said some back then....unknowing the massive appeal 'in-game' stoylines would soon net...] , the allure SONIC the HEDGEHOG just keeps going, and going... now 'way past cool'...& almost at issue #250!!! [...COLLECT THEM ALL!!!...]
As a favourite 1st EVER COMIC FOR KIDS, 'SONIC the HEDGEHOG', is truly a title that can be enjoyed no matter your generation....as demonstrated through many whom have loved reading it now find themselves buying 2 copies,....one for a child to discover the magic....
You too can experience the racing thrill of the 'BLUE BLURRRR' which has captivated readers of all ages for over two decades on SATURDAY MAY 5th, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY with your very own FREE COPY*!!!
[*While supplies last, as with all FREE COMIC BOOK DAY COMICS....come early for best chance....come late, risk tears... ;o]
"Okay, fellas--any ideas on how to beat this monster? I'm open to suggestions. Waaay open...." -----From Sonic the Hedgehog # 83
---Lien-Da: I've been hearing some interesting rumors of late. What could be so important, I wonder----that warrants the attention of the king of Acorn and the guardian of Angel Island----that you didn't yet tell me?"
[[[[[[[[......CHECK BACK HERE FOR EVEN MORE EVENTS....including a SONIC CHAT for F.C.B.Day 2012!...... ]]]]]]
Free Comic Book Day 2012.....
It's soon again upon us, and to discover the latest updates on what IMAGE COLLECTIONS has planned THIS year [and other year's highlights :o].....just ....
CLICKY-CLICK HERE: http://www.imagecollections.ca/fcbd
As for the EVENT itself.....
We’d like to see it stand tall as a ‘Literary Holiday’ encouraged by many of those who, sadly, are still unaware of its existence.
It will though one day achieve credence, as, like the printed words in a ‘well-traveled’, hand me down, old comic back issue, its exposure becomes less of a secret pleasure and more of an expected enjoyment.
Each one of us [ yes, we mean wonderful YOU! :o] can help ‘spread the words’ and intentionally, purposefully, and proudly introduce whomever we can to the ‘big picture’ within these crazy panels…
It wouldn’t be the worst objective to endure, turning Free Comic Book Day into a serious state of sharing…
Bring out the host in yourself when it comes to recruiting others for an enjoyable day of sampling the medium of sequential artistry, unearthing unique retail experiences, and ‘Free Stuff’ [a rallying cry the masses usually find irresistible]…
Youngsters especially just LOVE the excitement of the day. Do you know any who’d relish the person who invited their family to a theme day like this? We bet you do!
Whether it be small gatherings, interestingly creative artistic meet-ups, or crazy ‘Parking Lot Shindigs’ like ours [trying to encourage interaction], Free Comic Book Day still has the potential to turn heads towards discovering greatness between the pages, thus leaving these newly accomplished readers baffled as to why it took them so long to discover what it is we already know so well, leaving them enthusiastically eager to try more…
And, as we all know after encountering someone fulfilled, delighted, and fervent, well, those ‘things’ are just bubbly, dangerous, and contagiously ‘tribble’-like!
Thanks for reading our long-windedness :o)….
Image Collections [Streetsville, Mississauga),
[...Home to our own unique FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Event... ;o]
.....maybe you know someone you could bring along as well....
"I know how gods begin, Roger.....We start as dreams....Then we walk out of
dreams into the land.....We are worshipped and loved, and take power to
ourselves....And then one day there's no one left to worship us....And in the
end, each little god and goddess takes its last journey back into
dreams....and what comes after, not even we know."
------From 'Sandman: Brief Lives', words by Neil Gaiman---
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi .
-----Wonder Woman: Race you.
----------Flash: (pause) You're on.
-----Wonder Woman: I warn you, the gods granted me the speed of Mercury.
---------Flash: I'm sorry, I thought you were *fast.*
-----From 'JLA: Tower of Babel', words by Mark Waid...of which DC COMICS 'JLA: DOOM' animated DVD was loosely based on...
ship WEDNESDAYS every week! :O}
As the oldest consecutive monthly series based on a "lowly" VIDEO GAME [...so said some back then....unknowing the massive appeal 'in-game' stoylines would soon net...] , the allure SONIC
As a favourite 1st EVER COMIC FOR KIDS, 'SONIC the HEDGEHOG', is truly a title that can be enjoyed no matter your generation....as demonstrated through many whom have loved reading it now find themselves buying 2 copies,....one for a child to discover the magic....
You too can experience the racing thrill of the 'BLUE BLURRRR' which has captivated readers of all ages for over two decades on SATURDAY MAY 5th, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY with your very own FREE COPY*!!!
[*While supplies last, as with all FREE COMIC BOOK DAY COMICS....come early for best chance....come late, risk tears... ;o]
"Okay, fellas--any ideas on how to beat this monster? I'm open to suggestions. Waaay open...." -----From Sonic the Hedgehog # 83
---Lien-Da: I've been hearing some interesting rumors of late. What could be so important, I wonder----that warrants the attention of the king of Acorn and the guardian of Angel Island----that you didn't yet tell me?"
[[[[[[[[......CHECK BACK HERE FOR EVEN MORE EVENTS....including a SONIC CHAT for F.C.B.Day 2012!...... ]]]]]]
------Daniel 'Oshouki' Wong -- Comic Illustrator, Digital Artist, Self-Publisher -- Mississauga --- http://www.oshouki.com ---- .http://www.celticshaman.ca [....to see Daniel's work, click on 'Store Hours' above!]
-----Chris McQuaid -- Comic Writer, Letterer, Self-Publisher - Mississauga --- http://www.celticshaman.ca
-----Mark Bertolini -- Comic Writer [215 Ink's 'BREAKNECK' ]-- Mississauga --- http://www.215ink.com
-----Sam -- Creator of 'Jake the Evil Hare', Comic Writer/Artist, Self-Publisher--- http://www.jaketheevilhare.com - over 240 pages in archives
-----Jill Dhakura, Artist, Painter, Creative Dynamo
------Carolyn Austin-Smith, Painter, Artist
Soon 2 Be confirmed....hints.....Jill -- Andrew --
Free Comic Book Day 2012.....
It's soon again upon us, and to discover the latest updates on what IMAGE COLLECTIONS has planned THIS year [and other year's highlights :o].....just ....
CLICKY-CLICK HERE: http://www.imagecollections.ca/fcbd
As for the EVENT itself.....
We’d like to see it stand tall as a ‘Literary Holiday’ encouraged by many of those who, sadly, are still unaware of its existence.
It will though one day achieve credence, as, like the printed words in a ‘well-traveled’, hand me down, old comic back issue, its exposure becomes less of a secret pleasure and more of an expected enjoyment.
Each one of us [ yes, we mean wonderful YOU! :o] can help ‘spread the words’ and intentionally, purposefully, and proudly introduce whomever we can to the ‘big picture’ within these crazy panels…
It wouldn’t be the worst objective to endure, turning Free Comic Book Day into a serious state of sharing…
Bring out the host in yourself when it comes to recruiting others for an enjoyable day of sampling the medium of sequential artistry, unearthing unique retail experiences, and ‘Free Stuff’ [a rallying cry the masses usually find irresistible]…
Youngsters especially just LOVE the excitement of the day. Do you know any who’d relish the person who invited their family to a theme day like this? We bet you do!
Whether it be small gatherings, interestingly creative artistic meet-ups, or crazy ‘Parking Lot Shindigs’ like ours [trying to encourage interaction], Free Comic Book Day still has the potential to turn heads towards discovering greatness between the pages, thus leaving these newly accomplished readers baffled as to why it took them so long to discover what it is we already know so well, leaving them enthusiastically eager to try more…
And, as we all know after encountering someone fulfilled, delighted, and fervent, well, those ‘things’ are just bubbly, dangerous, and contagiously ‘tribble’-like!
Thanks for reading our long-windedness :o)….
Image Collections [Streetsville, Mississauga),
[...Home to our own unique FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Event... ;o]
.....maybe you know someone you could bring along as well....
"I know how gods begin, Roger.....We start as dreams....Then we walk out of
dreams into the land.....We are worshipped and loved, and take power to
ourselves....And then one day there's no one left to worship us....And in the
end, each little god and goddess takes its last journey back into
dreams....and what comes after, not even we know."
------From 'Sandman: Brief Lives', words by Neil Gaiman---
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi .
-----Wonder Woman: Race you.
----------Flash: (pause) You're on.
-----Wonder Woman: I warn you, the gods granted me the speed of Mercury.
---------Flash: I'm sorry, I thought you were *fast.*
-----From 'JLA: Tower of Babel', words by Mark Waid...of which DC COMICS 'JLA: DOOM' animated DVD was loosely based on...
ship WEDNESDAYS every week! :O}
------Daniel 'Oshouki' Wong -- Comic Illustrator, Digital Artist, Self-Publisher -- Mississauga --- http://www.oshouki.com ---- .http://www.celticshaman.ca [....to see Daniel's work, click on 'Store Hours' above!]
-----Chris McQuaid -- Comic Writer, Letterer, Self-Publisher - Mississauga --- http://www.celticshaman.ca
-----Mark Bertolini -- Comic Writer [215 Ink's 'BREAKNECK' ]-- Mississauga --- http://www.215ink.com
-----Sam -- Creator of 'Jake the Evil Hare', Comic Writer/Artist, Self-Publisher--- http://www.jaketheevilhare.com - over 240 pages in archives
-----Jill Dhakura, Artist, Painter, Creative Dynamo
------Carolyn Austin-Smith, Painter, Artist
Soon 2 Be confirmed....hints.....Jill -- Andrew --
Free Comic Book Day 2012.....
It's soon again upon us, and to discover the latest updates on what IMAGE COLLECTIONS has planned THIS year [and other year's highlights :o].....just ....
CLICKY-CLICK HERE: http://www.imagecollections.ca/fcbd
As for the EVENT itself.....
We’d like to see it stand tall as a ‘Literary Holiday’ encouraged by many of those who, sadly, are still unaware of its existence.
It will though one day achieve credence, as, like the printed words in a ‘well-traveled’, hand me down, old comic back issue, its exposure becomes less of a secret pleasure and more of an expected enjoyment.
Each one of us [ yes, we mean wonderful YOU! :o] can help ‘spread the words’ and intentionally, purposefully, and proudly introduce whomever we can to the ‘big picture’ within these crazy panels…
It wouldn’t be the worst objective to endure, turning Free Comic Book Day into a serious state of sharing…
Bring out the host in yourself when it comes to recruiting others for an enjoyable day of sampling the medium of sequential artistry, unearthing unique retail experiences, and ‘Free Stuff’ [a rallying cry the masses usually find irresistible]…
Youngsters especially just LOVE the excitement of the day. Do you know any who’d relish the person who invited their family to a theme day like this? We bet you do!
Whether it be small gatherings, interestingly creative artistic meet-ups, or crazy ‘Parking Lot Shindigs’ like ours [trying to encourage interaction], Free Comic Book Day still has the potential to turn heads towards discovering greatness between the pages, thus leaving these newly accomplished readers baffled as to why it took them so long to discover what it is we already know so well, leaving them enthusiastically eager to try more…
And, as we all know after encountering someone fulfilled, delighted, and fervent, well, those ‘things’ are just bubbly, dangerous, and contagiously ‘tribble’-like!
Thanks for reading our long-windedness :o)….
Image Collections [Streetsville, Mississauga),
[...Home to our own unique FREE COMIC BOOK DAY Event... ;o]
.....maybe you know someone you could bring along as well....
"I know how gods begin, Roger.....We start as dreams....Then we walk out of
dreams into the land.....We are worshipped and loved, and take power to
ourselves....And then one day there's no one left to worship us....And in the
end, each little god and goddess takes its last journey back into
dreams....and what comes after, not even we know."
------From 'Sandman: Brief Lives', words by Neil Gaiman---
“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi .
-----Wonder Woman: Race you.
----------Flash: (pause) You're on.
-----Wonder Woman: I warn you, the gods granted me the speed of Mercury.
---------Flash: I'm sorry, I thought you were *fast.*
-----From 'JLA: Tower of Babel', words by Mark Waid...of which DC COMICS 'JLA: DOOM' animated DVD was loosely based on...
ship WEDNESDAYS every week! :O}