Wonder Woman's Pants
Wonder Woman's Pants
Wonder Woman,
Shining Example To Women Everywhere...
...Kind Of...
Wonder Woman, DC Comics modern saving grace, movie-wise for DC Entertainment, has been 'saving Graces' since George was 'burning' Gracie Allen on their top rated radio program...
Wonder Woman, once relagated to '3rd String Character' status by DC Comics , maybe even 5th, 6th, or 12th at times, has enjoyed a resurgence this century well deserved & hard-fought for!
Hardly surprising to anyone well read in topics such as women's suffrage & gender equality, women have long gotten the short end of the stick, if they've been allowed to hold it at all, which might explain, in many contexts, why Wonder Woman was given just 'a rope'.
Being proud of our beauty, both in & out, many say is different than being proud that someone else is proud of our beauty, ...they may have a point.
All forms of art have taken stabs at being very descriptive of the human body, and, as it is a worthy subject, their wares live on as inspiring works, perhaps though with subjectively different visions through todays eyes.
Having an adoptive place outside of comics to stand (or sit) has always been a constant for Diana Prince, a chiseled name, like the character, widely brushed in creation for just such a purpose, a complex symbol of a harshness of thoughts at the time.
Not surprisingly, William Marston, a psychologist, also invented the lie-detector & helped pioneer the eventual behemoth 'Self-Help' genre into popularity with the masses.
Few comics characters were so held to both high & low standards at the same time as Wonder Woman, and DC Comics wasn't shy about catering to whichever made the most sense .....& cents, at the time.
Being hand-picked by founders activist Gloria Steinem and Dorothy Pitman Hughes, to land the cover of 'Ms Magazine', one of the 1st feminist-slanted magazines meant a great deal to a great number of the members of one gender, and even more of the other one!
In fairness, or dued respect, Wonder Woman was treated exceptionally well once its publisher past the half century marker, as most comic readers, TV-watchers, & movie goers already know, or would if, the history of its pathways were embraced and shared by its makers to a wider audience.
Names found buried in the credits of the two movies should be household names, or could be, as could the Wonder Woman content they produced sit side by side the DVD, Blue Ray, or Videogame splattered with her & DC 'COMICS' logos...
Trending Culture seems driven today as opposed to taught, as the collective is only a few short clicks away from being informed, entertained, or info-tained on any subject, & it seems no subject is unripe for picking from, it only need an agenda to prove it & show it to the audience in waiting to ensure it becomes an audience in wanting.
A simple guide of well placed links to the promised land proposes a marriage made heavenly due to Wonder Woman's steamy brew of food for thought, the separations of her characteristics & characterizations, as well as those who haved tried to pin down who she is or can be, and those who have made sacrifices to pin up her better qualities & judgements...all fascinating to absorb.
The astounding resilience, flexibility, & persistence of this heroine in many ways resembles that of her sisterhood off the page, facing stiff challenges from multiple regimes both powerful & not, always being tugged, pulled, & lured into situations of grave consequences, yet treated to vast extremes of discourse, feedback, & in the still-yet-to-come ideal, empathy.
Someone having to have waded through so much muddled murkiness & muckery from so many, while being at times mocked, deserves, ficticious or not, being labelled a 'super'...
Not lost within any expansive analysis of Wonder Woman the pulp and comic versions, is a similarity between her & the continual uphill stuggle for acceptance of the very medium which spawned her for much of her lifespan.
Not lost in any a
As the progenitors of Diana's many former lives as a representative of a secret society of empowered women free of man's touch, or a vital cog in the globally focused Justice League, in solo or ensemble, in quirk or in kook, the vehicle which brought Wonder Woman to 'The Dance' deserves their place in the spotlight before we are inexplicably voted off the Paradise Island narrative & possible gravytrain.....for isn't that what is befitting of a Princess?
Below, ...no below that :o)...we will try to post some important Wonder Woman Links...
...If you have some faves, feel free to share them with us through our 'CONTACT US' section on this website, thanks!
Below we jest....
"Iconic Immortal Amazonian Warrior #WonderWoman, A Skilled Combatant, Tactical Expert Possessing The Wisdom Of Athena...
...Promises Compassion, Empathetic Understanding, & THIS Sword In Exchange For Information On Who Stole Her Pants!!!"
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