FCBDay 2011 Intro.....


image_FREEblu[....we'll wait while you mark it in your calendars....:o]
 One Of The Oldest & Largest Free Comic Book Day Events In Canada Is Only 20 Minutes From Toronto. Come On Down Every Year For A Giant-Sized Celebration Of The Medium Of Sequential Storytelling...


On Saturday May 7th, IMAGE COLLECTIONS is THE place to be from 8am - 6pm for Comic Creators, Artists, Writers, Painters, Doodlers, Scribblers, Readers, Bloggers, Photographers, and Comic Lovers of all ages, shapes, and sizes....


With Artists & Writers, Special Guests, Discussion Groups, Presentations, Demos, How-2 Intros, Educational Programming, Scheduled Activities, Contests, Prizes, and....yes...FREE COMICS, ....um,...you MIGHT want to be there!!!

 [[[.....GUESTS, Details, Links, PICS BELOW ]]]

----NOTE--------A HUGE THANKS to those who have been spreading the word about FCBDay through friends, family, school, Facebook & Twitter. Most media are very supportive of local 'good news' stories and it most definitely helps to provide more information to the public. Feel free to let others in on the news...


PICTURES from LAST YEAR's [2010] Event:



MORE Pics from LAST YEAR's [2010] Event:


Image Collections in the MISSISSAUGA NEWS: http://www.mississauga.com/article/17569

Green_Lantern_A.RossMiniShine    War of the GREEN LANTERNs...  FFLOGOFANTASTIC FOUR now only 3!