SILLY CD CARDS Back With Zaniness In Bulk!...
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".....They're baaaack!!!!"...
...are back-in-stock @ Image Collections, as we proudly stick to our guns in offering only...*cough, cough*..
THE BEST in High-Quality-Entertainment.....
...or...have we fallen off the wagon again?.....YOU be the Judge....
...In the rich tradition of generations of WACKY PACKS or GARBAGE-PAIL-KID collectors scrambling to catch some hip, cool trading cards which might even pull the double-duty of BEING FUN AND annoying [...back in THOSE DAYS..] to their parents.....HERE COME 'SILLY CD' CARDS!!!
Meanwhile, any cards which still have PUZZLE-PIECES still in them are...
FANTASTIC in our books....
YOU'VE SEEN THE FANTASTIC FILM..... Now Catch-Up With Rocket, Groot, & The Gang as their FAR-FLUNG ADVENTURES continue... with GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY...
-----also a best-selling monthly MARVEL COMIC...
DON'T MISS IT as the 'G of the G' discover VENOM's Home Planet!
GUARDIANS OF THE GALAXY VOLUME ONE: Find out the ORIGIN of StarLORD & the secrets of IRON MAN joining!!