Chris McQuaid - Comic Book Writer Turned Handyman
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Chris McQuaid -- Writer, Artist, Letterer, Colourist - Mississauga
Chris McQuaid, lifelong fan of the medium of comics, felt indeed the time was right, he was ready to contribute back to the industry which had provided much to his life, including the prefered name of one of his sons. After initially kickstarting his career as a writer of the self-published "Celtic Shaman" among other projects [ including a "Dead Souls" mini series for 215ink Publishing], Chris has now branched out into comic lettering, comic colouring, and even as an artist...
As a survivor of the challenging 24 HOUR COMIC BOOK DAY, he's known for a strong work ethic, reliablity, an encouraging nature, and his patience, which comes in handy in his choice of hockey team...
When Chris isn't writing (or at the day job) he enjoys long walks on the beach, sunsets or just sitting down to watch a good hockey game (Go Leafs Go!) He lives in Mississauga Ontario with his wife Tina and their two sons Logan and Luke....
See MORE of the fruits of Chris's hard work @: