.. is here....for MORE on FEMALE-FRIENDLY READING....see our READING COMICS page!
Well, It seems DC COMICS has beaten MARVEL [who's 'SECRET WARS'<see below>hits in summer]to the punch by being 1st to announce what will become of at least one of the 2 major competing long-running superhero lines this summer.....
With increased competition from up & coming companies like BOOM!, IDW, & DYNAMITE, mixed with an excellent [& getting better!!] IMAGE COMICS fixated on quality writings, DC has big plans of it's own....
It begins in DC's 2015 FREE COMIC BOOK DAY offering, DC COMICS DIVERGENCE one shot, and when the dust has settled after the craziness of APRIL & MAY's Convegence [see BELOW] THIS will emerge....
The roster of titles and creators for the NEW DC UNIVERSE as of JUNE 2015 [...24 new series and 25 ongoing titles...] is as follows......
New Titles
Ongoing Titles | |||
Title | Creative Team | Title | Creative Team | |
Batman Beyond | W: Dan Jurgens, A: Bernard Chang | Action Comics | W: Greg Pak, A: Aaron Kuder | |
Bat-Mite (6-issue limited) | W: Dan Jurgens, A: Corin Howell | Aquaman | W: Cullen Bunn, A: Trevor McCarthy | |
Bizarro (6-issue limited) | W: Heath Corson, A: Gustavo Duarte | Batgirl | W: Cameron Stewart & Brenden Fletcher, A: Babs Tarr | |
Black Canary | W: Brenden Fletcher, A: Annie Wu & Irene Koh | Batman | W: Scott Snyder, A: Greg Capullo | |
Constantine: The Hellblazer | W: Ming Doyle, A: Riley Rossmo | Detective Comics | W; Brian Buccelato & Francis Manapul, A: Francis Manapul | |
Cyborg | W: David Walker, A: Ivan Reis | Batman/Superman | W: Greg Pak, A: Ardian Syaf | |
Dark Universe | W: James Tynion IV, A: Ming Doyle | Catwoman | W: Genevieve Valentine, A: David Messina | |
Green Lantern: Lost Army | W: Cullen Bunn, A: Jesus Saiz & Javi Pina | Deathstroke | W: Tony S. Daniel, A: Tony S. Daniel | |
Doomed | W: Scott Lobdell, A: Javier Fernandez | The Flash | W: Robert Venditti & Van Jensen, A: Brett Booth | |
Earth 2: Society | W: Daniel Wilson, A: Jorge Jimenez | Gotham Academy | W: Becky Cloonan & Brenden Fletcher, A: Karl Kerschl | |
Dr. Fate | W: Paul Levitz, A: Sonny Liew | Gotham By Midnight | W: Ray Fawkes, A: Juan Ferreyra | |
Harley Quinn/Power Girl(6-issue limited) | W: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner, A: Stephane Roux | Grayson | W: Tom King & Tim Seeley, A: Mikel Janin | |
Justice League of America | W: Bryan Hitch, A: Bryan Hitch | Green Arrow | W: Ben Percy, A: Zircher | |
Justice League 3001 | W: Keith Giffen, A: Howard Porter | Green Lantern | W: Robert Venditti, A: Billy Tan | |
Martian Manhunter | W: Rob Williams, A: Ben Oliver | Harley Quinn | W: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner, A: Chad Hardin | |
Midnighter | W: Steve Orlando, A: ACO | Justice League | W: Geoff Johns, A: Jason Fabok | |
Mystic U | W: Alisa Kwitney, A: TBD | Justice League United | W:Stay tuned for creative team info!, A: | |
Omega Men | W: Tom King, A: Alec Morgan | Lobo | W: Cullen Bunn, A: Cliff Richards | |
Prez | W: Mark Russell, A: Ben Caldwell | Secret Six | W: Gail Simone, A: Dale Eaglesham | |
Red Hood/Arsenal | W: Scott Lobdell, A: Denis Medri | Sinestro | W: Cullen Bunn, A: Bradley Walker | |
Robin, Son of Batman | W: Patrick Gleason, A: Patrick Gleason | New Suicide Squad | W: Sean Ryan, A: Carlos D'Anda | |
Section Eight (6-issue limited) | W: Garth Ennis, A: John McCrea | Superman | W: Gene Luen Yang, A: John Romita, Jr. | |
Starfire | W: Jimmy Palmiotti & Amanda Conner, A: Emanuela Lupacchino | Superman/Wonder Woman | W: Peter J. Tomasi, A: Doug Mahnke | |
We Are Robin | W: Lee Bermejo, A: Khary Randolph | Teen Titans | W: Will Pfeifer, A: Kenneth Rocafort | |
Wonder Woman | W: Meredith Finch, A: David Finch |
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