24 Hour Comics Day In CANADA
TIRED of 'BLAH' WEEKENDS?...Spice it up at least ONE WEEKEND a year, usually the FIRST SAURDAY OF OCTOBER, by doing something you haven't done in awhile [...hopefully...which means you lead healthier lives than us!! :o]....
Still with us?.....There are [luckily for the world at large] many out there who have probably never 'not gone to bed' EVER, and for this we salute them, though their 'social-event' selves may have suffered a bit due to this mantra....
Now, if you are ok with nocturnalness, think about writing stories....
Writing in any form can be a bit overwhelming for those not used to soaking-up-on-a-page the flow of information seeping from their stimulated cranium, having to keep track of it all, semi-organizing it on-the-fly, and producing a 'readable' version, can prove a handful at the best of times...
Luckily, the actual definition of the word 'readable' is very subjective, and, like any artform, can even lead to uncommon traits of another word, 'decipherable', which really comes in handy when we get to another component of 24 Hour Comics Book Day, the ARTWORK....
The NEXT '24 Hour Comics Day', or '24 Hour Comic Day', or '24 Mind-Melding Hours Of Pure Blissful Fun I Can Hardly Remember Due To My Astonishingly Pushing A New Baby Comic Into This World', take your pick, is SATURDAY OCTOBER 4th 2014 when YOU CAN CREATE a 24 PAGE COMIC in only 24 HOURS @ Image Collections!....
For An Updated Version Of THIS PAGE, including INFO about our....
Annual 24 HOUR COMICS BOOK DAY Events ----CLICK here
24 HOUR [..That's a LONG time to be WRITING & DRAWING!!..] COMICS BOOK DAYS @ Image Collections:
2014 --- 2013 --- 2012 --- 2011 --- 2010 --- 2009 --- 2008
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Reading Comics PAGE == Collecting Cards PAGE == Playing Games PAGE == Other Fun Stuff PAGE Free Comic Book Day PAGE == Art Group PAGE == Local Talent PAGE ==24 Hour Comics Day PAGE All Ages PAGE == EVENTs PAGE == Store Hours PAGE == Contact Us PAGE == Directions.2.UsHISTORY of Image Collections PAGE ==Streetsville= B&H = Posters PAGE == Home PAGE ==
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