Princeless Comic Priceless Project Worthy Of Much Praise....
One of the BRIGHTEST STARS in ALL-AGES STORYTELLING the comics medium has produced in a long time is...
from newer publisher
Action Lab Entertainment tells an empowering story of the ambitious young...
Princess Adrienne,
....who decides she has spent far too much of her time locked in a clichéd 'fairytaled' tower... :o(
Tired of waiting for her Prince to rescue her, she decides to save herself and, along with her guardian dragon Sparky, liberate & educate both other princesses who are locked away in towers, and misinformed princes throughout her repressed 'traditional-tall-taled' kingdom...
Adrienne, as the main character, is a curious spunky girl mature beyond her years, first seen with her mom, a queen, reading a typical unrealistic fantasy story involving a prince most of us have b...
Cleverly written by Jeremy Whitley with perfectly suited artwork by M. Goodwin, Princeless is a refreshing brand of matterable fun seldomly seen in the comics medium...
Engagingly captivating for a wide diverse audience, Princeless works on so many levels its existence could prove a powerful turning point in comics history as a kickstarter which influences a return to embracing the traditionalist 'EVERYONE's INVITED' mantra*[SEE Below] comic books have been longtime known as....
Societies change, embracing that which betters itself, and Image Collections welcomes the newfound era of positive examples of regular, & sometimes even monthly, titles which dazzle the imagination, no matter the age of their reader...
We must all do our part in bringing the potentials of our historic, yet very modern medium of comics, or sequential arts, to a world of global future, wide-eyed, ready to READ, & EXPERIENCE future of next generations to come...
Princeless is priceless, rich in content, context, & value to all!
An extremely important, almost essential read for both girls & boys that will delight & inspire, pleasing for new readers or fans of fairytales, the Fables comic book series, Shrek, and The Princess Bride.....
"Best Writer", "Best Artist", "Best Female Character" and "Best Cover"
2012 EISNER AWARDS**[SEE Below] Nominated:
"Best Single Issue" and "Best Publication for Kids"
.. .
* The Word MANTRA [in this case] means a SLOGAN...or CATCHPHRASE...'words to be defined by'---<<I.C.-WORD-helper >>
** The EISNER AWARDS are like the ACADEMY AWARDS for COMICS!!....They have to be REALLY GOOD...just to be nominated!!---<<I.C.-WORD-helper >>
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Happy Reading......IC :)
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