24 Hour Comic Book Day 2013 at Image Collections, Our 6th Annual!!!
.........other.Great ALL-AGES READINGS include:.
Image Collections is hosting it's 6th ANNUAL 2013 24 Hour Comics Day marathon on Saturday October 5th 2013 at 12:00 NOON until SUNDAY OCTOBER 6th @ 12:00 NOON...
....Yes, THAT's RIGHT!....It's time once again to PLAY,....with a pencil, that is!
You KNOW this is one of those things you MUST-DO before you die....
[Regardless.Of.You.Denying.Your.Own Masterful Talents!]
"Every child is an artist......
— Pablo Picasso
......Come out & share your SPECIAL BRAND of creativity & prove to EVERYONE [...but ESPECIALLY to the person who counts most, YOU! ;o)...] that you've got what it takes to put pencil to paper & 'spill your story'....
The 2013 24 Hour Comics Day in Canada is the perfect proof you don't need to turn on your television to find out just '...who's got talent?..' , as an accomplished 24 Hour Comics Day [....no easy task...] will forever be a reminder the answer lies with that great smiling face in the mirror....
......and you can't knock that! :o)
.....So when 24 Hour Comic Book Day comes around, it's like opportunity knocking!....
----SAT-----11:30am: INTRO & Beginner Lessons On Producing A Comic Book-------
-----SAT---12:00pm: 24.H.C.B.Day BEGINS @ 12:00 NOON on SATURDAY--------
---SAT---2:00pm to 6:00pm: 'Image Collections 24 Hour Comic Book Day JUNIOR EDITION' **
[...For ALL those whos timetable isn't yet equal to their aspirational 'freedoms'....]
** 'JUNIOR EDITION' [for ANY age] is the creative challange of 4 PAGES in 4 HOURS!
DROP BY & VISIT...if only to come out for a while to show your support for these 'Courageous Crusaders of Creativity'!!!
....4 MORE about our 2013 24 Hour Comics Day click [HOME] above!
"You rang?"-----Lurch ,"The Addams Family" [...old,....RETRO Retro-ish!]...TV SHOW
"Knock, Knock, Knocking on Heaven's Door....."----Bon Jovi,....from some 'knuckle-hurtin' song
Anyone of any age, gender, or skill level... We want YOU to be a part of and spread the word for others also!............... ......Fact is, @ Image Collections, MORE WOMEN have been a part of '24 HR Comics Day' than MEN!!!.
"If there's a book you really want to read,...but it hasn't been written yet, then you must write it."~Toni Morrison
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SATURDAY OCTOBER 5th is ALSO our 5th ANNUAL MIDNIGHT MAGIC DAY.....come out & play the great CCG everyone is talking about.....ALL NIGHT LONG!!! [details SOON!].

--We will be Playing CASUAL MAGIC [the card game, no tricks here ;o] ALSO:
---COMMANDER [E.D.H.] ---MULTI-PLAYER Tournament ---3-PACK DRAFTS [8pm,12am,3am] ---2 Headed GIANT ---Mini MAGIC......MORE!
'COMIC-ING SOON'....GET READY for the muscle-bound excitement of our very own 'THOR 2' MOVIE EVENT coming up the SATURDAY NIGHT of the release weekend [ NOVEMBER 9th ] @ your movie headquarters, The 5 Drive-In....
[......drive-in?....November?!?....won't it be 'cool-ish'?.....Yes, but for all good things, sacrifices must be made.....besides,....haven't you EVER heard of 'A COAT'??.....Look at it THIS way, it makes it MORE MEMORABLE, cuts down on the [lazyish] crowds, & proves how much of a 'FAN-Fan' you are!! ]