INFO: GET CAUGHT UP---What Happened in COMICS This Past Year?...
COMICS?....O.M.G.,...what's happened in the last year?.....
........we'll FILL YOU IN so YOU CAN ACT like you already know it @ ALL OUR EVENTS!!!

"......Now They're Not Just-Some Comics That You Used To Know..."
What Happened In Comics Over The Last Year?......
#1......HIGHLY polarizing, DC COMICS announced they would be stopping all of
their DC [Superhero] UNIVERSE titles in AUGUST, then 'START OVER' with 52
ALL NEW #1s in SEPTEMBER.....which they DID!....
their DC [Superhero] UNIVERSE titles in AUGUST, then 'START OVER' with 52
ALL NEW #1s in SEPTEMBER.....which they DID!....
DC COMICS 'NEW-52' Highlights So Far:
-----------JLA haven't met yet [with Jim Lee art!] and are just forming!
----------BATMAN caught up with pulse-enhancing intense OWL-issues! [see our READING COMICS page]
-----------Superman is learning & new to Metropolis!
-----------Sinestro [normally the villian] is the 'NEW-52' Green Lantern!
-----------Fan-faves 'Swamp Thing' [made famous by Alan[Watchmen]Moore & 'Animal Man' are back!
.......for CRAZY-Out-Of-Nowhere-Blow-Your-Mind Last Pages!!!]
are among the best '52 READINGS so far.... >>
Read about DC COMICS 'NEW-52 Reboot' here:
#2......IMAGE COMICS mega-hit monthly series 'THE WALKING DEAD' was picked
up as a AMC TV-Series, thereby exposing the already 'scary-hot' [#1 was selling for
over $150.00 BEFORE the show] exceptionally well written ongoing-Zombie-movie
comic to millions of new readers who have now [re]discovered the medium of REAL
[maturely created] sequential art....
#3......PETER PARKER DIES!...& stayed dead even! MARVEL COMICS modern-line
[....called 'ULTIMATE', begun in 2001...] heroes where stunned, as was all of New York,
when Spider-man was killed in a drag-out royal-rumble, leaving a grieving Aunt May, and
heartbroken Gwen Stacy & Mary Jane....
A new person, Miles is trying to take his place...
#4......OWLs, OWLs, EVERYWHERE!.....As noted above, 'BATMAN', part of DC's NEW-52
is experiencing a rebirth in popularity not seen since the first BAT-Movie back in 1989!
BATMAN writer Scott Snyder is kicking it in high gear using OWLs,...yes OWLs!
#5.....YOUNGER READERS Titles are once again coming out regularily as ARCHIE, SONIC,
#6.....A GAME OF THRONES, once just an amazing novel series, now on TV and a take-no-prisonors monthly comic series!
Also new: BUFFY Season 9, ANGEL Season 8, & Smallville Season 11,....only in comics!
#7......VERTIGO COMICS EXPAND!...DC Comics reality-based imprint hit full-stride as new-older-readers flooded in [thanks to exposure from things like 'The Walking Dead'] to discover & try comics which reinforce 'NOT treating their readers like a kid', with impressive complex storylines like 'FABLES' [fairy-tale characters existing in reality...LONG b4 you saw it on TV in Once Upon A Time or Grimm!], Y-the LAST MAN [last guy in world of women-but SO MUCH better than it sounds!], DMZ [about a present-day American Civil War], and many more reality-based, fantasy-set, horror-filled, or crime-oriented monthly comic books....
#8...DIRECTOR KEVIN [Clerks,Jay & Silent Bob] SMITH is writing comic books again, albeit an unlikely one [after writing a THE GREEN HORNET monthly title last year], as THE BIONIC MAN is BACK as a monthly comic after far too long!.....The Six Million Dollar Man comic writer CAN hit deadlines, after all!...... :o)
#9......X-MEN break-up looking out for HOPE, sending WOLVERINE back to open up
the X-School again, now called the 'Jean Grey School Of Higher Learning', with LOGAN
as the new headmaster!
#10........'Norman Osborn's' Marvel Universe Fallen & Left Gripped With Fear Itsself.....The Green Goblin takes control far with an extreme plan to take down the Gods, including about ALL THIS, and MORE on Free Comic Book Day 2012 on SATURDAY MAY 5th!!!
Noteable Also....
December 7, 2011: Jerry Robinson, creator of the THE JOKER, died on December 7 at age 89.
December 14, 2012: Joe Simon, co-creator of CAPTAIN AMERICA [with Jack Kirby] , died at age 98 after a brief illness....
'FREE COMIC BOOK DAY' is ALWAYS the 1st SATURDAY OF MAY @ Image Collections in there!...